Data Backup & Business Continuity Solutions For Dental Clinics

NOVA Computer Solutions provides dental offices large and small with the right data backup and business continuity solutions to protect patient data.

Data Backup & Business Continuity Solutions For Dental Clinics

NOVA Rescue Backup Is Here When You Need Us Most!

NOVA Rescue Backup works to be there for your business when you need it most. NOVA Rescue Backup provides your business with reliable data backup, protected storage, HIPAA compliance, business continuity, and data recovery.

Dentists & Dental Professionals Must Have Reliable Data Backup Services

Data are a valuable information asset to any dental practice because they contain personal and sensitive data regarding their patients. Having reliable and secure data backup plans can help protect confidential patient data in a disaster, system failure, or security breach.

According to HIPAA rules, data must be backed up on an ongoing basis, and recovery should be relatively easy so that any lost data can be retrieved without too much difficulty. Data encryption is also essential for meeting the requirements for safe and secure ePHI, as required by HIPAA regulations.

With a comprehensive IT service plan that includes secure backup and encryption measures, practices can rest assured that their patient’s private data will remain safe from security threats.

Data Backup and Business Continuity Dentists

Many Dentists Not Working With NOVA Have Improper Data Backup Services In Place

Backing up your dental practice’s data is essential for protecting the security and integrity of your sensitive patient information. Unfortunately, many dentists make costly mistakes when backing up their critical data. Common missteps include relying on unreliable media such as CDs or DVDs, failing to back up all necessary files, not verifying whether backups are working correctly, and even taking backups out of the office in violation of HIPAA compliance standards.

Furthermore, neglecting to back up essential data exposes your practice to potential disasters like server crashes and malware attacks. To ensure your data is safe, it’s crucial to back up regularly with a reliable medium that ensures confidential storage.

Taking the necessary precautions will save you the headache (and cost) if any unforeseen situation arises.

Introducing NOVA’s Data Backup & Business Continuity Solutions For Dental Offices

  • Backup Data – You keep valuable documents, data, and records pertinent to your business. NOVA ensures that this data is backed up and stored so that you can easily access it when and if you need to access it. Additionally, this gives you peace of mind knowing that NOVA constantly and consistently backs up your data. If anything were to happen, you could restore a backup and be right back on track.
  • Protected Data Storage – With NOVA, an expert IT department monitors your network and data 24 hours a day, seven days a week, but without that massive bill. This means that you have the confidence in knowing that your business is safe and reliable. We stay current on what cyber threats are out there and how best to protect your business. NOVA works hard to protect your network, computers, data, and the internet from the latest of threats.
  • HIPAA Compliance – NOVA understands your business and the importance of the data in it protects. We also understand HIPAA. This means that we offer HIPAA-compliant data storage, stored and protected offsite. A HIPAA violation fee is one less thing that you have to worry about. We’ve got you covered!
  • Business Continuity – Our backup/restore services will get you back up and running quickly if something goes wrong. Often businesses that aren’t able to recover within ten days of a disaster, or cyber attack, fail to recover. NOVA has proactive plans to reestablish your business quickly, no matter what comes your way.
  • Data Restore and Recovery – Your business’s livelihood depends on the data you store and protect. We understand this importance and take great pride in taking care of it. Should a disaster happen, where you lose your physical office due to a hurricane or tornado, you wouldn’t lose your data as well? We will be there, ready to restore your data and reestablish your business as soon as possible. This limits the downtime and helps you get back to focusing on your customers.

Get In Touch With NOVA Computer Solutions To Schedule A Data Backup Consultation

The NOVA Computer Solutions team will be happy to provide a consultation to address your concerns and put you at ease, knowing that we’re here to provide the IT services you need!

Call us at (703) 499-8760 or email us at


What Types Of Data Does NOVA Computer Solutions Back Up?

Our data backup and recovery services protect documents, spreadsheets, images, emails, customer databases, financial records, and more. We also offer special compliance services for HIPAA-related data storage.

How Is My Data Stored?

Your data is secured in an offsite location with multiple levels of encryption and authentication. This ensures that your data is safe from unauthorized access. Additionally, our IT team monitors the security of your systems 24/7 to ensure your business stays secure.

How Quickly Can I Restore My Data In The Event Of A Disaster?

Through NOVA’s data backup and recovery services, you can restore lost data within minutes. This limits downtime and allows your business to continue functioning as expected in the event of a disaster or cyber attack.

Does NOVA Offer Business Continuity Solutions?

Yes! Our team will work with you to create a proactive plan for restoring your business in the event of an unexpected disruption. We have experience in helping businesses quickly recover from disasters, and we'll be there every step of the way.

How Can I Get In Touch With NOVA To Schedule A Consultation?

You can call us at (703) 499-8760 or email us. We look forward to working with you!

Data Backup Services For Dental Offices

NOVA Computer Solutions is here to provide the data backup and recovery services you need for your business. Our team of IT experts is available 24/7 to ensure your data is protected and secured. Contact us today to get started on your journey to secure, reliable data storage.

We look forward to helping you!

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